Looking West


In the 1840s, as the City of Newcastle upon Tyne expanded westward, a church was planted in Elswick. It was called St Paul’s Chapel. In 1859 it was replaced by St Paul’s Church, High Elswick. In 1868 St Stephen’s Church, Low Elswick, was opened.

In 2006 the two parishes merged to form Elswick Parish Church. It is also known as St Stephen and St Paul, Elswick.

For over 170 years Christians in Elswick have sought to glorify God by living for him and by making known the good news of what he has provided for us in Jesus Christ.

Elswick Parish Church exists to glorify Almighty God by:

  1. loving him (see Matthew 22 verse 37f);
  2. telling others about him (see Matthew 28 verse 19f); and,
  3. loving others (see Matthew 22 verse 39).

We affirm that ‘The doctrine of the Church of England is grounded in the Holy Scriptures, and in such teachings of the ancient Fathers and Councils of the church as agreeable to the said Scriptures. In particular, such teaching is to be found in the Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion, the Book of Common Prayer and the Ordinal’ (Canon A5).

Furthermore, we affirm that ‘The Thirty-Nine Articles are agreeable to the Word of God, and may be assented unto with a good conscience by all the members of the Church of England’ (Canon A2).

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