Elswick Church

Communion with God


WHAT or who is a Christian?  A person who has eternal life.  Jesus tells us that God sent him to this world so that you and I may enjoy eternal life.  That is what all who believe in him are promised (John 3.16).  The promise does not just refer to life after death.

Who are you?  You are an enfleshed soul.  Human beings have a body and a soul.  What happens when you die.  Your body and soul are separated until the day of judgment.  Your body will be laid in a grave, if you or your loved ones choose burial.  Your ashes, if you are cremated, will be buried or scattered.  But your soul will live on forever.  Jesus tells us that on the last day; a day known to God; he will come again to this world.  When that happens our bodies will be raised from the dust of the ground.  They will be reunited with our soul.  And every person shall stand before his judgment throne.  Those who believe on Jesus in this life will enter the new heaven and earth.  There they will enjoy eternal life with him.  Believers enjoy a foretaste of that life now.  Jesus says, “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life” (John 3.36).

A key word in that statement is the word has.  Jesus does not say will or may.  He says a believer has eternal life.  So, if you are a person who follows and loves Jesus; if you rely on him alone for acceptance with God, your are a special person.   It is not every one who has eternal life.

What is eternal life?  Jesus tells us.  He says that those who have it know the only true God and Jesus whom he sent to this world (John 17.3).  The word know is not to be limited to a knowledge of facts about God and Jesus Christ.  Faith is not a leap in the dark.  It is grounded in truth.  What God has made known to mankind about himself is proclaimed, as is what Jesus did, promised and taught.  Your responsibility is to respond positively.  You are to embrace Jesus.  He is the way to God (John 14.6).  Through faith in him you come to know God.  Faith is a personal relationship with God.

What will you enjoy if you know God?  You will enjoy communion with God.  He will communicate or share with you his truth, love and friendship.  Let me share with you a word about each.


Jesus is the way, the truth and the life (John 14.6).  You discover through faith in him that the Spirit of God, the Spirit of truth, teaches you the truth about God and Jesus (John15.26).  You also discover the truth sets you free (John 8.36).  You are set free from the state of condemnation in which you were before you knew Jesus (Romans 8.1).  You know, as a person who will never be banished from God’s presence, that you need not fear death.  You enjoy being alive and with loved ones.  One day you will be separated from them by death.  Death is not the end of life.  It is not the end of you.  It is the gateway to heaven.  At death you leave this world and go to be with God.


The Spirit of Truth pours the love of God into your heart (Romans 5.5).  As Jesus promised, you are not left alone.  The Holy Spirit comforts you.  He helps you.  He loves you.  He gives you power to live for Jesus.  He strengthens you with the love of God.  He reassures you that you are at peace with God.  He helps you enjoy the peace of God.  You discover it passes all understanding.  And he fills you with joy (Romans 15.13) that cannot be described with words (1 Peter 1.8).


As a person who knows Jesus you discover that he is your friend (John 15.14-15).  You are his servant.  He is your Lord and God.  Yet you are to him like a precious jewel (Zechariah 9.16).  He is the Good Shepherd who cares for his sheep.  He knows them.  He lay down his life for them.  He gives them life.  And they have it abundantly (John 10.10, 14).  You know that with Jesus as your friend you will never perish and that no one will ever be able to snatch you from his hand (John 14.28).

A true Christian enjoys communion with God.  May it be your desire and delight to know and increase in it.